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04/19/10 01:50 PM #34    


G. William (Bill) Davis

I heard Walt was serving some jail time for patent infringment.  Aparently McDonalds was developing a new drink and Walt somehow was accused of trying to steal it.  This judge just laughed when he said that it was his family name from birth.  It apparently it was a drink that was similar to an icee (a McCool).  Who said life is not full of irony!

04/19/10 10:40 PM #35    

Max D. Russell

Well then, maybe it wasn't just your garden variety icee Wally threw on that poor, poor boy that fateful day in 75 maybe it really was a prototype "McCool". Deviously clever as he is Wally probably suspected the patent cops where getting close to breaking the case and was destroying evidence. I for one can attest to the blatant disregard Wally has shown our counties laws in the past. I have personally witnessed him on more than occasion remove those consumer protection labels from couch pillows. You know those ones that say, "do not remove under penalty of law" NO REGARD, NO REMORSE! insidious.

04/20/10 01:13 AM #36    

G. Walt McCool

I'm surprised that Max remembers the Icee story so vividly.  But he's right.  I threw an Icee - a peach Icee - on a kid who was riding a bike.  Threw it right out the passenger window of that red Vega station wagon.  And Max is right - again - his exact words were:  "My god, Walter, I can't believe you just did that!"  He was shocked - shocked to hear that there was Icee-throwing going on in St. Joe.  In his car!  I never worried about the patent cops.  Not as long as I was riding in that speedster.

Why did I do it?  I've often asked myself that.  I would ask my step-kids why they think I did it, but somehow I never got around to sharing the story with them (I have to hold my tongue every time we go to 7-11).  I think I did it because the kid was there.  Or because I so desperately wanted Max to be proud of me.  But it wasn't that incident that inevitably led me to be a lawyer.  No, that came only after I renounced honest work.  Of course, you know how to tell when a lawyer isn't telling you the truth - his lips are moving.

I could go on, but the thing about Steve kissing Max really got my attention.  If we examine our feelings, I expect we all had a man-crush on him, but kissing him - no way.  Not with that doughnut breath.

04/26/10 12:55 AM #37    

G. Walt McCool

Is this thing on?

04/26/10 11:11 PM #38    

Rick R. Roberts

Hi  Walt

I know why you threw your ice out the window .You were running around with the wrong crowd , didn't your parents tell you not run with people .    WE know Max would of been a great Lawyer.                good to see you on the web


04/27/10 03:06 AM #39    

Jerome L. Goolsby

It's about bloody time you got here, Walt McCool....

Unlike Max I'm surprised you took up being an attorney after the mock trial that was held in Mr. Blakely's class. I thought you were going to blow a gasket LOL.

05/31/10 01:19 PM #40    

Brad Powell

Unfortunately, I will not be attending this year. Some things have recently changed that is going to prevent me from attending. But I hope everyone has a wonderful time.


07/15/10 07:31 AM #41    


Teresa Fankhauser (Fankhauser)

Hi Everyone,

I heard from Charles White this week. He wasn't able to attend the reunion because about a month ago he was diagnosed with mantel cell lymphoma. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he goes through this difficult time.

He opted to try an alternative treatment in Washington and comes home this Saturday. He has a long way to go before he's out of the woods so please drop him an email to let him know you're thinking of him. charles_st_joseph@yahoo.com


05/29/14 09:49 AM #42    


Judith A. (Judy) Nester (McClure)

Hello! Just wondering if there will be a 40 year reunion in 2015?

Hard to believe that it has already been 4 years since the last reunion.  I have been checking out a few things on this page and realized that our "In Memory" section has not been updated in a while.

At our 35 year reunion, someone had information on those no longer with us.  Would it be possible to upload the information and pictures that were displayed at the reunion?  Maybe there is someone that would be able to update the info once a year.

I enjoyed our last reunion very much.  It was the first one I was able to attend.  Those planning did a great job!  Thank you.  I look forward to seeing everyone at the next reunion.  ~~Judy

05/29/14 02:27 PM #43    

Sondra Marschel (Grieshaber)

There will be a reunion meeting on Fri May 30th 2014 at Parneara bread at 7:00 pm for 2015 reunion


05/29/14 10:05 PM #44    


Tanama Jenkins (Ernst)

Hey there Y'ALL! I am looking forward to the reunion in 2015! I will be in St Joe off and on this summer (but gotta stay away from those Chiggers and TICKS!)  been back several times in the last year and half, after dad died, but didn't know where y'all are hanging out!  Went to the park through Christmas and New Years, wow! What a sight! Well, keep in touch - I want to contribute to this one. I can be reached at 214-453-9969, txt or voice or face talk, it's all good!  So, where do y'all hang out, where are the good hangouts?

05/30/14 09:50 AM #45    


Janet Lawson (Ries)

Glad to hear the 40 year (yikes) reunion committee is established!  Looking forward to more information as things progress.  If there is any way for me to be involved, I'm a phone call, email, facebook message away.  

05/30/14 05:40 PM #46    


Deborah Starr

I am glad there will be a 40 year reunion and I hope and pray I will be able to attend this one.  i would love to see my classmates again.

01/05/15 11:13 AM #47    


G. William (Bill) Davis

I had the pleasure of eating dinner with Paul Langemach, his wife Nancy and Kevin Kiner at a suprise 29th birthday party for Mark Shepards wife Suzanne.

We discussed the upcoming 40 year reunion and Paul said it was going to be lonely because he and his wife Nancy are the only ones who had signed up to go.  So, I assured Paul that I would attend along with my wife Kim.  So now there are going to be four of us at the 40 year reunion!

I would ask that if anyone else is planning to attend to please let Paul know because it is really hard to plan for an event without knowing how many people are going to attend.  If it's just going to be us four, we can move it to my living room!



01/05/15 12:41 PM #48    

Paul Langemach

Thanks, Bill -- We're looking forward to the celebration.  The planning committee is hopeful to have reservations and funds turned in by the end of January.  We'll be better able to determine how much or how little we can do based upon our response at that time.  See you and Kim there!


01/12/15 11:00 PM #49    


Mark Shepherd (Shepherd)

I have now signed up to attend!  It's starting to get a little cozy for Bill's house.  We need some more to sign up!  Come on class, get signed up!  Let us know if anyone needs assistance with the sign up page.  This is going to be FUN!  It will be great to see everyone!

01/13/15 08:20 AM #50    


Janet Lawson (Ries)

Paul, check is in the mail -- registration complete.  One thing ... I am sending additional $50 for now or future ... entered quantity, but cash column didn't register.  Just an FYI in case you try to balance registrations with funds received.  Join me, classmates ... sure would like to see everyone ... remember how much fun the 35th reunion was?  

01/14/15 03:29 PM #51    


Tanama Jenkins (Ernst)

I registered with a "plus one" - hope that is ok...

06/22/15 01:09 PM #52    


G. William (Bill) Davis

Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed visiting with all of you Saturday night.  It brought back a lot of fond memories of years by gone.  I'm sorry I didn't get to visit with everyone but we'll make sure that happens next time.

Thanks to Paul and gang for putting on such a good party.


06/23/15 09:44 AM #53    

Alex Hinkle

Sorry I miss everyone. I was looking forward to the evening. I hope everyone had a safe trip back home.

Alex Hinkle

06/23/15 03:36 PM #54    


G. William (Bill) Davis

Hey Alex! 

Your name was on the list and mine wasn't so I just told everyone that I was Alex Hinklle.  They were amazed at how much weight you had gained!

07/27/15 10:06 AM #55    


G. William (Bill) Davis

Hello.......Is this thing turned on?   Anybody...anybody..?

07/28/15 02:54 PM #56    

Randall Cooper

Holly Mackeral, there are a lot of responses/notes I haven't seen.  Unfortunately, I have forgotten so many of your names, let alone the faces after 40 years.  I know we have all changed, so pictures only help so much.  On Sunday, I was showing a guy I work with a picture taken in 1982 (I still looked the same in those days, except for the blonde mustache) when I was in the USAF.  I was stationed in Germany, but we were deployed to England at the time.  There was only two of us in the photo and he has never seen me with hair, since I have shaved my head for many years.  He looked right me and asked "is that you"?  I said yes, and all he did was chuckle.  I was afraid to ask what the chuckle meant, so I just let alone.  Sometimes you just really don't need to know everything, especially at our age.  I wish I had my yearbook with me, but it is in dad's house back home.  When I get home the next time I will see if I can find it.  I wish you all well and I hope ol' Charles is going to be okay.  I will keep him in my prayers.  God Bless you all!!! 

01/19/25 07:03 PM #57    

Robert S. Conner

So I was thinking of maybe attending the Friday night reunion but can someone tell us about the appetizers/food 
and what exactly happens at these since I've never attended before?  My wife and I would be driving from Colorado
so it is a costly thing already.   

01/20/25 12:15 PM #58    

Mitch Powell

I didnt even know there was a forum lol guess I didn't read the fine print. Anyway looking forward to seeing everyone in June.

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