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Forum: Reunion Ideas!



Created on: 10/13/09 11:51 PM Views: 7147 Replies: 11
Alternate of dinner
Posted Tuesday, October 13, 2009 06:51 PM

Diana Keeney has a wonderful idea for our reunion. Below is her email. What do you think? I like it but wonder if Sunday rather than Saturday would be better day.

I have a friend that has a Big BBQ pit. I can pull it behind the RV. Cook briskets, sausage or chicken quarters or all 3. Texas Pinto BBQ beans..made with chili powder, bacon.can't reveal all the secret ingredients! Takes about 6 hrs. We could plan this mid afternoon Saturday? If I can get up in the park by 6:30 am or earlier...may have to call the park dept & see what time we can get access to the park. I have awnings, chairs, etc. The corner spot before you get to the 1st bridge would be perfect. I also have a golf cart we can bring to tote people back & forth.

Briskets I can get about .79 cents lb. probably need 80#, 20 lbs sausage & 75 leg qtrs, cut in half will be 150 pcs chicken...that fed about 200 people. Couple roasters with pinto beans.

If we get other people to sign up for paper plates, forks, napkins, tea, bread, tortillas, desserts, etc. then everyone can bring family or guests?


RE: Alternate of dinner
Posted Tuesday, October 13, 2009 07:42 PM

Thanks for posting this on the forum page. After discussion with others I agree that Saturday would be  a perfect day for the BBQ.

Edited 10/13/09 07:42 PM
RE: Alternate of dinner
Posted Tuesday, October 13, 2009 08:19 PM

I like the idea also.  The only thing with Krug, is there is no beer or liquor allowed.  I don't know about Wyeth Hill, but I can check tomorrow.  Another place I just thought about was Old McDonald's farm.  It would be good to have a place in case it rained. 


RE: Alternate of dinner
Posted Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:19 AM

Pam Reynolds Ousley has called Old McDonalds Farm today.  We should know something in the next day or so.  And again, I'd be happy to BBQ if that's what everyone wants! 

RE: Alternate of dinner
Posted Thursday, October 15, 2009 02:26 PM

The Parks Department said no liquor allowed at any of the parks, including Wyeth, Krug and Hyde.  So, I am thinking that Old McDonald's would end up having to be our choice.  The parks dept charges $25.00 per shelter and $10.00 for electricity.  No reservations for 2010 cannot be made until Jan. 4, 2010.


RE: Alternate of dinner
Posted Tuesday, October 20, 2009 04:41 PM

I love this idea. Please put me down for anything you need, I'll be happy to help any way possible plates, cups any drinks, etc.. That will either travel well or I will get when I get to town. Please keep me posted.


RE: Alternate of dinner
Posted Tuesday, October 20, 2009 07:50 PM

I would like to help with this so I have an Idea if no one minds. I have alot of time on my hands. I would like to bring the tableclothes and decoractions for tables. I would like to know who was on the council, Plays, Big game wins, Who played what sports, the Queen's courts, Cheerleaders, pom pom,Band,etc.. . Do you want green and white or green and gray, and how many tables do we need? Sorry my year books were destroyed in a basement flood.

RE: Alternate of dinner
Posted Thursday, October 22, 2009 01:54 PM

I will try to get you all that info after the 1st of the month.  I won't know for sure on tablecloths, etc. until we know about how many are coming, but I would say a minimum of 10.  Our 20th we probably used 20.   I really appreciate you helping!


RE: Alternate of dinner
Posted Thursday, October 22, 2009 01:59 PM

This is from Pam Reynolds Ousley :

Pam Reynolds Ousley comment from Old MacDonald's Farm:

"They did not call me ....so I just called them and she said he had not
decided yet if he was going to be renting out or not. She said she would
try to ask him again."

That didn't sound good, so back to the drawing board! I'm beginning to think Krug Park might be the answer to eat & off to another location for drinks & night life ????


This is from Cindy Daniels Winger:

Hi! Kathy. Hope you're doing fine. How many people do you think will be coming? We had a reunion at our place about 4 yrs. ago and it turned out great. We have enough room and a big field to park in. Talk it over with a few people and let me know. You can reach me on my cell at (deleted intentionally  ksh)


RE: Alternate of dinner
Posted Thursday, October 22, 2009 04:26 PM

How many people do you think we'll have? I can't remember what we've had in the past. Would 100 be a good guess? Cindy is that too many people?

Another option would be one of the area lakes. Does anyone know the condition of Lake Contrary or Bean Lake? I've put in a call to the President of the Lake Contrary Association to find out if we can reserve space there. Although a little farther away we could try Smithville Lake.


RE: Alternate of dinner
Posted Thursday, October 22, 2009 06:47 PM

I called the Lake Contrary Association President today. She said we could reserve the area where the band stand is and bring in cookers etc. She suggest we check out the area. If it ever stops raining whos up for a trip to the lake?

RE: Alternate of dinner
Posted Wednesday, December 23, 2009 02:08 PM

Any more information on the BBQ? I have been away from the Net for a bit, only limited access.  Please advise any new developments?  Thanks, Tanama